-Windmill Charity Ride-
What a fun time our 11 riders had at this year's "Windmill Rides" in Santa Maria. Most of us settled into the Radisson Hotel just 1.5 miles from the ride start. After biking to the park and checking-in we headed out on our various rides. Most chose to bike the 52 miler from Santa Maria up Highway 1 into Los Alamos. Then we headed up Aliso Canyon and DOWN Foxen Canyon Roads to the second rest stop in the rural town of Sisquoc. From there it was UP again over the oil fields before heading down Clark Avenue to the finish at Pioneer Park. There we had the best Santa Maria Tri-Tip BBQ lunch with all of our biking friends. The weather was fantastic for biking. Overcast, 65 degrees with clearing the last third of the ride. After a few hours of needed rest we walked to the post-ride dinner location at Pepper Garcia's Mexican Restaurant at the Santa Maria Airport. So much fun to be with friends during the ride, in the hotel and at dinner time. Participate in a "charity ride" soon, they are so much fun. View our photos on Picasa by clicking on "Windmill 2011 Photos."