-Firecracker/Chinatown Bike Event-

Participating in a biking charity event is always fun. You get to ride in different surroundings and with people doing what you like to do, bike! This coming February 11th is the 34th Annual Firecracker 20 or 30 Mile Bike Ride beginning in Chinatown at 9am. The route head out of Chinatown into Elysian Park, Griffith Park, Forestlawn and along the Los Angeles River Bike Path. Registration has begun, but the discount price of $33 ends on January 15th. Price includes the ride, rest stops, a t-shirt and post ride lunch. This is the best price for a charity ride EVER. So, come join the fun on that Saturday in downtown Los Angeles. Go to the "Firecracker Webpage" for more detailed information.